Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Dear Daughter, Here’s What Really Matters In Kindergarten

Dear Daughter, 

As kindergarten starts, I want to remind you of a few things: 

1. Be kind, not mean.  

Kindness will allow you to see the hearts of those around you.

2. Don’t follow your friends (at least not all the time).  

Lead by example, do the right thing. Learn what’s right and wrong. If you see that a boy or a girl that is being made fun of, be the one that protects them. If you see that a classmate is not listening to the teacher, help them listen. 

3. Embrace the differences in those around you!  

Know that all of us want to be loved and accepted. If you see a child who needs help, ask them how you can help, don’t make fun of or laugh at them. 

4. If you see a child sitting by themselves, sit with them.  

Ask them questions, get to know them and become their friend.

5. Respect your teacher.  

Teachers are very important to your growth and development. Many teach out of love and passion, so be supportive. They are just as important as mom and dad.  Take the spark they give you and ignite your heart!

6. Be yourself.

You are kind, confident, beautiful, silly, funny and smart beyond your years. Don’t let anyone take that away from you. Be you. Kids will either love you or hate you.  Have a core group of friends. Don’t worry about what other kids think of you ― you are enough!

7. Never stop learning or asking questions.

Reading and writing will allow you to explore the world around you and beyond. You are still learning to do all these things, so seek new experiences.

8. Know that you will make mistakes, and that’s OK.  

Don’t cry when you mess up.  Do your best to fix the problem, and move on. Keep trying your best and you’ll eventually get it. 

9. Know we are on this journey together!

I love you, now go rock kindergarten! 



Monday, September 26, 2016

No Need to Raise Your Voice: How to Get Your Children to Listen...and Do

I reached my limit last week, my kids were out of control! I needed to do something fast and effective to get them to listen and follow directions. So I decided to invest about $80 into the solution. I purchased nearly 100 little toys for my son and daughter. I bought various items like My Little Pony characters, Mini Lego people, play necklaces, rings, washable tattoos, and mini-fire trucks. After compiling my cache of toys, I created a list of common chores that my kids are responsible for throughout the day. I also had them come up with two chores that they could add to the list. Together, we wrote, shared, and agreed to this contract:

Family Chore Contract

-First time listening (following an instruction 5 seconds after it was given)

-Talking like a big kid and not whining

-Doing what I am told without asking “why”

-Eating all my food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner without complaining

-Keeping the playroom clean and organized

-Keeping my room clean and organized

-Helping mom or dad when they need help

-Doing my homework

-Going to bed on time AND staying in my room

*All of these things will be checked off at the end of the day, if I can do all of this, then I will get to pick out ONE toy or item the following morning.

I agree to these terms:





Yes, my kids will get a toy everyday (we will stretch this out to a star system in the next two months, but for less than a $1 a day I get piece of mind and retain my sanity as a parent!

Like me on Facebook: Sri Parent Coach LLC

More on picky eating


How to get picky eaters to eat: A step by step guide to make meal time more enjoyable for everyone

Food is everywhere and we want our kids to make healthy choices, think about these steps as you introduce food to your child. 

Step 1: Think  about what food you are eating on a daily bases. Do you eat the same things everyday? Kids learn by example so if we as parents only eat chicken, rice and beans, chances are your kids will do the same thing. If you are sticking to the same things, try to add one new food to your to routine. The more variety of food your child sees you eat, the more likely he/she will do the same.  

Step Two: Make an effort to cook put "adult" food on your child's plate. Do this for every meal. Research says that a person needs to see something 30 times before they try it. If you have a picky eater this could take up to 40 or 50 times. Keep putting the food on the plate, don't ask your child to do anything with it, just leave it on the plate. 
If you have separated plates this works well. 

Step three: a month off showing your child the same food, have them touch the new food. They just need to touch it for a second. Then they can eat the rest of their meal.

Step four: After two weeks of touching the new food have your child touch and kiss the food. Kissing the food, simply means putting the food on your child's lip. 

Step five: two weeks after that, have your child touch, kiss, and lick the food. 

Step six: Wait another two weeks and have your child touch, kiss, lick and take a small bite. The small can be called a baby bite, a fish bite... Be creative. Do this for two weeks.

Step seven: Finally have your child touch, kiss, lick, take a small bite and then a big bite. 

It will take a long to have your picky eater try something new, but try it this method, if you need help let me know.

Enjoy your new adventure