Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Potty Training Made Simple

Your Potty Training Guide 

ARE you ready to potty train your child and say bye-bye to diapers!

This is a guide intended to help parents potty train their little ones. Please read the following guide and start saving money on diapers!!

Signs of Potty Training Readiness 

Physical Signs

Your Child...

-Is coordinated enough to walk, and even run, steadily.

-Urinates a fair amount at one time.

-Has regular, well-formed bowel movements at relatively predictable times.

-Has "dry" periods of at least two hours or during naps, which shows that his bladder muscles are developed enough to hold urine.

Behavioral Signs

Your Child...

-Can sit down quietly in one position for two to five minutes.

-Can pull their pants up and down.

-Dislikes the feeling of wearing a wet or soiled diaper.

-Shows interest in others' bathroom habits (washing hands, wants to watch you go to the bathroom

-Gives a physical or verbal sign when he's having a bowel movement such as grunting, watery eyes, squatting, or telling you.

-Demonstrates a desire for independence (remaining in bathroom by oneself).

-Takes pride in his accomplishments.

-Isn't resistant to learning to use the toilet.

-Is in a generally cooperative stage, not a negative or contrary one.

Cognitive Signs

Your Child...

-Understands the physical signals that mean he has to go and can tell you before it happens or even hold it until he has time to get to the potty.

-Can follow simple instructions, such as "go get the toy."

-Understands the value of putting things where they belong.

-Has words for urine and stool.

Reminder: You don't have to wait until you've checked off every item to start training. Just look for a general trend toward independence and an understanding of what it means to go to the bathroom like a grown-up!

Introducing Your Child to the Potty Training Experience

Now that we know the signs, let's talk about how to introduce the potty. I would suggest buying a child potty seat (one that goes directly over the toilet) so you don't need to make the transition from the over the potty chair to the regular toilet seat.  At what age should you introduce the potty?  By 18 months, every time your child takes a bath, ask them to sit on the potty.  As your child gets older (20-24 months) have your child sit on the potty three times a day. 

What You Will Need to Fully Potty Training Your Child 

Items Include…

  • -A potty seat that is placed on top of the normal toilet seat.

  • -Candy, treat or a reward that your child likes (that must be nearby and readily accessible once they properly use the potty).

  • -Lots of liquids!  Have up to 128 oz of available liquid(s) (amounts actually consumed may vary depending on age and other variables), a drink your child enjoys or regularly consumes. 

  • -A timer (I use my phone timer, but a kitchen timer will work also).

  • -Availability, patience, and persistence.  Be ready to devote your time to your child’s entire waking day over the course of at least three days (implementing and monitoring potty training).

  • -30-40 “big kids undies”cotton type underwear (this is so you don't have to do that much laundry. You can buy as many as you'd like, if you have access to laundry).  

  • -Patience (again).

  • -Persistence (again). 

  • -Floor cleaner (there will be accidents).

Step by Step Potty Plan: 

1.Make the potty as fun as possible!!! Having fun in the potty is the most important thing you can do while potty training your child. Take toys or bubbles into the potty.

2. Give your child a LOT of liquid. 

3.Allow your child to choose what undies he/she wants to wear.

4.Set your timer for every 30 minutes (you can have your child set one too) and take your child to the bathroom once time goes off. Allow your child to take a nap and sleep through the night until he/she makes the link with voiding in potty. You can night train once your child is daytime potty trained. 

5. EVERY time your child voids (pees/poops) in the potty give them a treat/reward (within 3 seconds) of the action. After day three of potty training you can give your child the reward after every two voids(pees/poops), do that for two days.You want to gradually increase the number of voids(pees/poops) your child does to get the reward. It’s best to increase the number of voids (pees/poops) every day or two.  

6.After your child voids (pees/poops), continue to give your child the liquids. 

7.Repeat the above methods for three to seven days and you should have a potty trained kiddo!!! 

In summary, be consistent, keep your child on the same routine (expect some resistance) and know that help is just  a call away. Good luck on your journey, you are one step closer to never having to buy diapers  again!!    

*If you need help, or get stuck, contact me at: Sri.parent.coach@gmail.com; (760)-275-3555http://www.sriparentcoach.com

About the Author

 Sri Hatharasinghe-Gerschler, M.A., provides energetic, impartial, and personalized parent coaching, as well as educational advocacy (IEP) services. Her parent coaching style includes solutions that are rooted in applied behavior analysis (ABA) and refined through her nearly decade-long submersion in the field working within school districts and directly with child services.

She is a full-time working professional and mother of two toddlers. Sri is passionate about helping you navigate the complexities and unique demands of parenting. She established Sri Parent Coach & Educational Advocate to fully realize this commitment.

As a parent, she feels that it is often incredibly difficult to ask for help. "How do I...?" "When do I...?" "Why is it that...?" "Why won't they...?" She is a resource that understands the time constraints that we nearly all exist under and can work with you to find better answers to these questions.


• National University, Master of Arts in Human Behavior

• University of California San Diego California, Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

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